Why Garlic and Onion is not offer to God in Hinduism

Jun 3, 2021


According to Hindu books and Purans Onion and Garlic is not offer to God (Devtas and daives) it is prohibited because according to Purans Onion and Garlic put into Rajsik and Tamsik category means increase anger and decrease knowledge and according to Purans eat (Satvik food) vegetarian food like milk, yogurt, flour, beans, fruits, rice and other green or leafy vegetable. According to Purans Onion, Garlic, Meat are not pure and this food eaten by demon (rakshasa). Onion, Garlic, and meat we cannot eat as Satvik or vegetarian food if we eat this sadness and diseases come into house without inviting and that’s why Onion and Garlic use in kitchen is prohibited in Purans and do not use Virat or in religious ceremony.

Read more follow below link https://www.knowledgehub2022.com/2020/02/why-garlic-and-onion-is-not-offer-to.html

