Status Of Hindus in Pakistan

2 min readJun 8, 2021


Hinduism is a world oldest religion in the world and world 3rd religion after Christianity and Islam. In subcontinent before the invasion of British Hindu and Muslims live peacefully and there is no any riot happened at the name of religion but when British conquered subcontinent then they see that peoples of subcontinent are well organized and their moral values are very so they think to divide it and started divide and rule policy because without division we cannot rule on them so they create jobs and introduce English language in education system and then people started hate each other and feel that he is superior and I am inferior. After these things at the time of independence many Hindu and Muslim riots happened in different places like in Bihar, Punjab and other areas but at that Sindhi is only province which is free from all types of riots but after independence some extremists started attack on Hindus houses and kill them but remaining Hindu population lave their houses and keys given to their neighbors and said that we will come back when this riot clam down but these families never back again at their native home.

At the time of independence Hindu population in Pakistan were more than 13% but now today we have population less than 1.75% because their girls kidnapped, forcefully convert their religion and raped and in most of towns Hindus or any other non-Muslim cannot buy a house.

In the aftermath of the Babri Masjid demolition Pakistani Hindus faced riots. Mobs attacked five Hindu temples in Karachi and set fire to 25 temples in towns across the province of Sindh. Shops owned by Hindus were also attacked in Sukkur. Hindu homes and temples were also attacked in Quetta. Jain Mandar at Jain Mandar Chowk in Lahore was destroyed by the bigoted Muslims mobs in 1992 and the government changed the name of Jain Mandar Chowk to Babri Masjid chowk, which became the official name.

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